Monday, February 22, 2010

The Solace of Snow

Boy, February is beating the heck outa me. Work is slow, I hate the cold and the snow. We've all been sick and I have a cough that just wont quit. Tonight I'm trying to bust out of my funk. I'm cooking Tuscan Chicken, peasant food at its best. I'm drinking a little wine, past sunshine caught by the grape and stored in a bottle. I hope that you, my northern hemisphere crew, are hanging in there. Spring is just around the corner, fellow children of the light. Days will become longer the warmth will return.
The Solace of Snow

The snow has fallen, it covers both king's barrow and peasant's grave.
All stains of sadness lie hidden beneath. From pain, our hearts it does save.

A white illusion of newness, of purity, gives hope, an escape from the past.
It insulates us from bitter, troubling reminders that happiness will never last.

Flowers and earth, and sprouts of green, the Spring brings life to the land.
I say keep the snow covering all, It is sadness that the Spring has planned.

This is the mood that February brings, melancholy through lack of light.
our limbs seem like lead and we cannot move, inaction is our plight.

Keep the path and plod along, know that what you're doing is good.
Spring will come whether we wish or not, it will elevate our mood.

Sadness comes I know not why, it seems like it has no reason.
Sadness will past in three months or so, just like any season.