Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Old Main Street Bridge

The Old Main Street bridge in Cambridge Ontario. On the bridge there was affixed A bronze plaque which noted the date of construction as being in the 1930s.

When I read the plaque it made me think of those workers in the middle of the Great Depression, they must have been very grateful for the work. I see it as a case of public money being spent on the public good.
The old bridge has served the town for many years. I couldn't even guess at how many times I've crossed it, on foot, by bicycle, or in car. And now that we are on the edge of another economic hard time, the workers who are repairing it must be happy for the work, A little certainty for them, at least for the duration of the project.

To see the rehabilitation of this bridge makes me happy, happy to see public money being spent on public good.

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