Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

I, at one time, five years ago or so, would rush home from work on a Thursday night to take my boy to his swimming lessons. I would sit on the bleachers and watch the little ones tread water. Each week they were able go a little longer before they had the need to grab the deck at the feet of their encouraging instructor. One thing that always struck me as funny was that when the whistle called them from the water into the cool air, they would all clasp together their hands at their chests. It looked to me like little monks lining up and joining in a chattering, shivering, prayer.

It makes me wonder about the origins of this almost universal gesture, that of hands pressed together, held to the body, an outward indication of prayer. Do we humans do this in order to warm our spirits?

2009 was a chilling time for a lot of people in this world. Many found hardship and challenge. I hope that if the whistle blew for you, and you were forced into the coolness of the air, that you found a way to keep your spirit warm. I also hope that 2010 will afford you plenty of time in the pool.

Merry Christmas


joyce said...

How good to hear from you again Peter. I always look forward to your insightful posts.
May there be warmth for you & yours this season & the upcoming year.

beth said...

what beautiful words from the heart....

merry christmas !

His girl Friday said...

Very well written and interesting as always. You've left me something to think about, yet again. Happy Holidays Uncle Peter

Dagmar said...

Merry Chritstmas to you and your loved ones too Peter.

This is so true and you made me laugh because I still can see when I close my eyes my boys doing the same.

Let's pray for those who are out there in the cold these days. And yes may 2010 be a better year for those in need.
Happy times to you.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

You give us much to think about in observing that universal gesture. Beautiful photo, too.

Joie Moring said...

we are the tiny living things
with a sense of self-preservation
our precious clutching hands
innately warm us, our spirit

georgia b. said...

happy new year, p! i hope you had a joyous christmas, and i hope 2010 brings us more abundance than 2009. it was a joy to go through losing a job with someone who i had just found a friend in and came to really respect and admire. you really encouraged me through many of those difficult days, and for that i am grateful. i wish you and your family the very best in this new year. i wish you many good things to make up for the difficult things you experienced last year. and i wish you all you deserve and all that you work hard for. we've been truly blessed, even when without work, and so i am grateful. i glad to have conversed with a good friend like you through it all. it made much of that time more bearable.

happy happy happy new year to you.

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