Saturday, October 31, 2009

Be Inspired

This will be my first sort of guest post on my blog. On Friday my Uncle Wilfred was granted, or he excepted, I'm not sure of the exact term... Perhaps had bestowed upon him, a well earned degree. I could not get away to attend the ceremony. My cousin Jane Curtis sent me an email saying that she would take some pictures and share them out. That not being enough for me I asked her to write something. Pictures are never enough, I need to hear a story.

With Jane's kind permission, I will share what she wrote for me with you. Take this story of my Uncle Wilf and use it when you feel like your best days are behind you, when all opportunity seems missed. Use the story when you need to cut the grass and weed the garden, but just can't find the energy.

Thanks Uncle for the inspiration, and thank you Jane for taking us there.

A Day to Remember
October 30, 2009
Wilfred Gregory Tschirhart receives his
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography at he age of 88
Today was a rare and special day. My Uncle Wilfred Tschirhart achieved his Doctor of Philosophy in Geography and quite remarkably at the age of 88 years of age!
The Wilfred Laurier University convocation took place at the Waterloo Recreation Complex with a graduating class of approximately 500 students.
I met up with my Uncle Wilf’s son Cousin Chris, along with my sister Judy, cousins Ed and Bill and then we were joined by our cousin Mary Jane who is Wilf’s daughter. As we sat waiting for the ceremony to begin we laughed and joked as we always do when we get together. We had excellent seats right next to the stage.
The arena facility was transformed with red carpet and a very large stage and a band played music to set the tone. Later we found out that all the musicians in the band were graduates of Laurier.
When the procession started there was Uncle Wilf right near the front in his beautiful gown and cap. He looked like a true scholar. His seat was near the front and second from the aisle on the side where we sat so we had a great view. The convocation began with the Chancellor for the University making a speech about education and future goals.
The Doctorates were recognized first and Uncle Wilf was the second to go on stage. As he proceeded to the stage the speaker remarked that he had achieved all of his educational degrees after the age of 65. At that moment the entire graduating class rose to their feet for a standing ovation, the only one of the day! This moment brought a proud feeling to my heart and a tear to my eye. What a remarkable achievement, extremely inspirational.
Uncle Wilf was also given a special gift from the book store.
After the convocation we got together to take photos and then the majority of us proceeded to a restaurant called Kennedys in St. Agatha where Uncle Wilf lives. We were joined by Cousin Ed’s wife Pauline and Mary Jane’s daughter Jessica and her boyfriend Phil. Jessica and her sister Rebecca had mid term exams today or they would have been there for their Grandfather’s marvellous achievement.
We had a lovely meal and further time to talk about the day. After the meal we went to Uncle Wilf’s for some more socializing and he opened up his gift to discover a book on the brain.
He remarked that he saw us all sitting together as soon as he got near the front and that having us there made his day more special.
He is truly inspirational and I can’t even begin to imagine all of his efforts toward this day.
I will never forget this once in a lifetime event.


pennylicious said...

Thanks for sharing Peter...truly inspirational,its never to late for any of us! You should be very proud of your Uncle.

georgia b. said...

i am inspired, indeed. i remember you telling me about him before. it's great to now see a photo to go along with the image i had of him.

this is awesome!

Dagmar said...

Oh Wauw I'm so impressed! Pass on the congratulations to your uncle.

Peter Tschirhart said...

He's a great guy, he has the perfect mix intelligence and stubbornness. He's a gentle but determined fellow.
If you were to sit and talk to him for five minutes, you would be charmed.

Joie Moring said...

Wow...what a great moment to have an entire graduating class in ovation and now your extended blogosphere responding 'Wow!...what an achievement.' And for those of us with a few years junior to Uncle Wilf, a reminder that it is never too late.

joyce said...

How absolutlely brave of him. That's how I want to be...keep on learning until the day I die. Pass on my congratulations to him!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

So many times I hear the elderly complaining about how they didn't accomplish what they'd hoped to and now it's too late. It's never too late, is it? Thank you so much. I will remember this and hopefully any shred of self-pity will be replaced by inspiration due to this post!

His girl Friday said...


Anne Theresa said...

Very proud of Uncle Wilfrid!

Beverly Ash Gilbert said...

I have tears in my eyes reading about your uncle - amazing, inspiring and so much courage. Thank you for the reminder that with age comes wisdom.