Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Soft Skeptic

I've miss placed my camera, I think. It's small, about the size of a package of cigarettes. It's very portability caused me to take up photography again, unencumbered by a huge gadget bag and a leather strap around my sweaty neck. Oh well it will turn up in a drawer or my glove box, maybe in the pocket of my heavy coat. No matter.

I've been thinking a lot about belief lately. I've heard interviews with some writers, writers who charmingly put forth the idea that religious belief is not only wrong, it is harmful to humankind. Rather then simply not believing and and being an atheist they feel compelled to be anti-theists and point out the harmful absurdity of the believer.

What am I then? Certainly not an atheist, nor a true believer either. I'm what I call a soft skeptic.

The soft skeptic at his core admits that all things may be. He knows that there is no proof so absolute that he can totally discount anything. He does however, pay little attention to those things that are not supported by solid evidence, a firm testable theory. He does not demand proof of other peoples beliefs, only his own. The soft skeptic has in the past blown and will most likely in the future blow again, upon a pair of dice.

It does not matter to me what you believe as long as you have a good heart. Even if you don't believe in Heaven or Hell it would be helpful if you could suggest to me... Where in the hell did I leave my camera?


georgia b. said...

you make me laugh.
with that last sentence.

you know what i believe.
and even in that belief,
i go through many periods of doubt.
that's okay.

if we could discuss it in person,
i'd have you read a few certain books,
and then should like to discuss them with you.
probably the first would be mere christianity by c. s. lewis.
maybe you already have read it.

either way, i hope you find your camera, sir peter.
: )

Peter Tschirhart said...

Ha ha, I hope I do too. I'll have to enlist the help of good old St. Anthony! It never fails. :)

Dagmar said...

Hi Peter, great to hear from you again, by post on your blog and by comment on mine.
About believe, yea I do like it the most when one has a very soft and tender heart. No matter what believe they have as long as they are good to everybody and don't pressure them into ones believe.

Oh and I can't help it but do you have a little counter or dresser in your hallway or the place you'll enter your home? I hope you've put it in there with your gloves or so?? Do let me know if you found it right.
Good luck with it.

rjerdee said...

soft skeptic. Two very good words to describe most people. Think I'll put those words to good use. Hope you find your means retracing your steps since the last time you used it...maddening as hell.

Joie Moring said...

I think that the soft skeptic rings true for many that feel a spiritual connection to all things, but want some kind of proof of a greater purpose beyond this realm.

And tho' I won't always own up to having a thing for 'misplacing' things...I hear ya. Check every pocket...this is where i find things...especially just as I'm about to toss them into the washer!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

It's in the parallel zone. Don't believe me?

Peter Tschirhart said...

I believe you JK, because it doesn't appear to be anywhere I've looked!