Thursday, October 1, 2009

Inside the Box

When trying to solve a problem, the personal development gurus will suggest that we get creative and think, “Outside the Box”.

I'm fine with this, I think it's a great idea, but the thing that they don't tell you is that you should take a peek “in” the box first, nine times out of ten thats where the answer is.

Thats where you left your keys...


Jeanne Frances Klaver said...


georgia b. said...

hmmmm...interesting insight. good birthday advice.

thanks for the b-day message. hope you are well.

His girl Friday said...

I love the picture

joyce said...

I always like it when I see you have done a new post, you always have insight & things to think about.

kendalee said...

This made me smile - so true!

Unknown said...

Please do consider writing a book about this brilliant truth Peter!

I had a module on creativity as part of my entrepreneurship degree and I always used to tell them that thinking out the box alludes to these ideas of absolute brilliance when in fact it is actually the most simple ideas that really work!