Monday, January 5, 2009

"What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?"-William Shakespeare

This is a photo of the vertebra of a turkey, It is very similar to one in my own neck, the one that sometimes pinches a nerve and causes my arm to hurt, I roasted this bird on January the 1st, he rose phoenix like the next day in a fine cannelloni with sauteed mushrooms and chopped fresh spinach. That evening the remainder was rendered to a broth that I may use in a risotto or a hardy soup.

At the bottom of my stock pot is where I found this little challenge, this little provocation to thought. So like my own stages along my spinal column so like that of a whale though tiny in scale. My dog has the same in his cute little body, a deer, a fox, a dolphin structured much the same.

How clever of the builder to use a template, why draw freehand? A real sign of intellect, the manufacture of a tool and it's implementation in your work.

I have no trouble harmonizing evolutionary theory with my own beliefs, they both make such perfect sense.

Ancient peoples have always held in their legends that there is a kinship between all life on this planet, the modern science of genetics seems to be proving them right.

1 comment:

georgia b. said...

wow. this writing from you blew me away.

each paragraph provoked a different thought or emotion! so good, Peter!

i myself believe in macro-evolution after the event of creation. but i'm sure i would not have been able to write about my beliefs quite as giftedly as you have here.