Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eau de Parfum

If you are a woman, you may have at sometime found yourself at the perfume counter of a large department store. You would have likely applied a sample to your wrist. If you were with a man, you almost certainly held out your wrist for him to offer his opinion.

That man may have taken a sniff and wondered if this store had section that sold tools. He may have thought about buying a book.

You may have been with another type of man, he would take scent of the fragrance and know that it was held aloft by the warmth of your blood. He would wish to stand with you in a dark space, because the harsh lights of the department store cause the colour of possibility to fade.

Both types of men would say the same thing to you, they would say, “That smells pretty, you should let me buy it for you”.


Unknown said...

so intricate. so beautiful.

Jamie said...

My husbands favorite scent is when he snuggles into my neck and breathes deeply. "I love the way you smell" he says. And I'm so thrilled because he's breathing in ME and I never cover that up with perfume.

Larry Poulton said...

Smell is one of our most developed senses. And sadly an underestimated one in this day and age. We see, we hear but we rarely stop to smell. If I smell something interesting - not necessarily beautiful, I stop to appreciate it. Its funny how memory, or at least mine, is linked to smell. Some smells take be back years or trigger a long forgotten memory.

Like Jamie I am not a fan of perfumes on man nor woman. There is nothing quite like the smell of a beautiful woman beside you. As is often the case, nature got it right first time....

I am neither man as I wouldn't offer to buy the perfume at all. Spend the money on a meal and gaze into your womans eyes instead.