Thursday, February 26, 2009


I kicked my dog today, not on purpose of course, it was accidental. I was tired, it was dark and cold as we left the house for his morning walk. I was looking at the sky. I saw a planet and wondered if it was Venus in the western sky, I thought of Venus lying to the west, it made me smile. Then THUD little Jacques had walked across my stride and my big, heavy, winter boot struck him right in the ribs.

He sat down right away and looked up at me in disbelief. His sweet, brown eyes spoke of fear and betrayal.

I reached down and scratched behind his ears. I said, “Sorry boy, forgive clumsy Peter”? His little tail began to swing back and forth wildly. We finished our walk, still best friends.

You know, that nine and one half kilos of cute, has a lot to teach a guy like me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow. we really can learn so much from them.