Monday, July 6, 2009


I once loved a girl named Lily
she had a lovely sister named Rose

Lily was a perfect beauty, though
she had on each foot, six toes.

Lily left me standing at the altar
I guess she was mine to lose.

She found out that I was a poor man
and couldn't afford her special shoes.

Now I have myself a pretty wife
my silliness she always handles.

She may not share Lily's beauty
but she sure looks great in sandals.


Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

way cool...

Unknown said...

brilliant and the photo just captures it somehow.

"poor" men are most often the richest in character.

Jamie said...

heeheehee...this made me giggle. very clever.

lissa said...

silly & fun, an enjoyable read

ghosty said...

this photo is great, Peter!