Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Fruit of Neglect is No Fruit at All

I'm a neglectful gardener, my poor little plum tree developed a black knot infestation and I let get out of hand. Before the snow came and the ground froze I hacked and hacked until there was little if anything left. the only thing that stopped me from uprooting the tree and getting rid of it was the same laziness that got the tree into trouble. If that tree was a dog, I would have had it taken from me and my neglectful cruelty would have placed me in jail.

If I'm lucky I'll find a few blossoms on the remaining limbs next spring, and if I'm really lucky, mid-August will have me tasting plums.

1 comment:

georgia b. said...

other than my brother's, i'm pretty sure your blog is the only blog i read that is written by a male. it's nice to see things through a guy's perspective every once in a while.

i hope your tree makes it. wouldn't it be nice if all plant life just took care of itself? i mean, we have to, right?