Monday, December 15, 2008


I have no recipe for soup that I follow in my little kitchen, the ingredients are dictated to me by what is left in my fridge. Soup is the food of second chance, the broth of redemption. Stuff that was headed for the compost bin, the bits and pieces that failed to make it into my meals throughout the week, are made useful.

When those scraps come together in my pot its a kind of magic to me. Its a Sunday afternoon story of something from nothing.

Oh, don't forget to add a pinch or two of turmeric, or you'll still have nothing.
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1 comment:

georgia b. said...


so it's true what they say! spontaneity IS the spice of life.

i see your point. but, i have a cookbook called 365 Soups and Stews. those recipes may have all started out your way, but now they are a specific set of rules to follow.

and i'm glad someone set them to print, because there are some really good ones in there.

oh, well—i still like your photo. and i bet you have some really bad soups sometimes, but i'm sure you have some really great ones, too!

my dad used to make his Sunday jellos or Sunday punch the same way—never the same twice. it made Sunday dinner interesting.